Based on the efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation(MOPIC) to strengthen partnerships with internal and external parties concerned with supporting all vital sectors in Jordan, MOPIC is supporting and adopting the “Climate Change Adaptation program” through which the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan obtained a grant of (9,226 $) million for the programme:
Increasing the resilience of poor and vulnerable communities to climate change impacts in Jordan through implementing innovative projects in water and agriculture in support of adaptation to climate change" Programme"
The program grant agreement was signed in June 2015, between the Adaptation Fund Board (AF) and MOPIC as the owner and supervisor of the implementation program as an Implementing Entity (IE). The programme kicked of in July 2016. Many of ministries and government institutions are also implementing the projects and activities of the program as Executing Entities (EEs) for the sub-projects:
- Petra Development Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA).
- The Hashemite Fund for Development of Jordan Badia (HFDJB).
- Jordan Valley Authority (JVA).
- Water Authority Jordan (WAJ).
- National Center for Agricultural Research (NARC).
- Ministry of Environment (MoE)/ the Royal Scientific Society (RSS).
In addition, cooperating with some of the national institutions dealing with Climate Change Adaptation field, such as: Ministry of Agriculture, Meteorological Department, local community associations (Water Users Association).
The overall objective of the proposed programme is to adapt the agricultural sector in Jordan to climate change induced water shortages and stresses on food security through piloting innovative technology transfer, policy support linked to community livelihoods and resilience.
The Project Management Unit (PMU) was hosted in MOPIC, which consists of: a Program Manager, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Financial Specialist and administrative assistant, to follow up EEs activities for sub –projects within the program, to prepare the periodic and annual reports for the AF regading the performance and achievements of the activities in program and communication with the EEs of the program.
The programm consists two components:
- Component (1): Climate change adaptation of Agricultural & water Sector through Technology Transfer (The use of Non-conventional water resources – Reuse of wastewater, rainwater harvesting & perma-culture). This component consists of six separate projects as following:
- Reuse of Treated Wastewater for on-farm Agricultural Adaptation as a Tool for Integrated Water Resources Management at Wadi Mousa, have been implemented by Petra Development Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA) and The Hashemite Fund for Development of Jordan Badia (HFDJB).
- The Northern Jordan Valley Wastewater Reuse Project, has been implemented by Jordan Valley Authority (JVA).
- Tal El Mantah Wastewater Treatment Plant Wastewater Reuse Project, has been implemented by Water Authority Jordan (WAJ).
- Wastewater Reuse at North Shouneh WWTP project, has been implemented by Jordan Valley Authority (JVA).
- Community Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Harvesting Technologies in Poverty Pockets, has been implemented by Jordan Valley Authority (JVA).
- Climate Change Adaptation, Building Resilient Food Security Systems through Extending Permaculture Design and Technologies in The Jordan Valley and beyond, has been implemented by National Center for Agricultural Research (NARC).
- Component (2): Climate Change Adaptation Capacity Building, Knowledge Dissemination, Policy and Legislation Mainstreaming. This component consists of three separate projects as following:
- Strengthening the Capacities of Poor& Remote Communities to Better Adapt to Climate Change Adverse Impacts (At the Four Geographical Zones of the Jordan Valley and Wadi Mousa), has been implemented by Ministry of Environment (MoE)/ The Royal Scientific Society (RSS).
- Using ICT as an enabling tool for more effective climate change adaptation and development programmes, has been implemented by Ministry of Environment (MoE)/ The Royal Scientific Society (RSS).
- Jordan Valley Water Sustainability and Agribusiness Competitiveness, has been implemented by National Center for Agricultural Research (NARC).
The objectives of these activities as following:
- Component (1) objectives:
- Providing a unique, efficient, simple and cost effective climate change adaptation systems to people in arid regions who suffer from water scarcity, and food insecurity.
- Deployment of advanced innovative irrigation methods such as drip, spray and micro-sprinkler irrigation.
- Limit the impact of climate change on water supplies of Jordan by reusing treated wastewater and rainwater harvesting and thereby reducing the consumption of the scarce ground water.
- To implement a holistic approach for integrated water management in remote arid regions.
- Releasing fresh water sources for potable water supplies and other priority uses and replacing it with treated wastewater for irrigation purposes.
- Assessing the vulnerability of vulnerable communities and ecosystems and planning food security programs.
- Enhance water distribution services and increase irrigation network efficiency.
- To implement low-cost, low-technology yet sustainable and practical water collection and reuse programs for rural community livelihoods.
- Component (2) objectives:
- Strengthened ability of remote poor communities to make informed decisions about climate change-driven hazards affecting their specific locations.
- Involve and educate the engaged local community in all the phases of the project.
- Reduce the health risks associated with irrigation practices.
- To motivate the targeted communities to work, cooperate and support each other.
- Reinforce the concept of participatory water & agriculture development and management approach that involves users, planners and policy makers at all levels.
- Enhance the quality of life and food security in arid regions and contribute to climate change adaptation.
- Developing a competitive, inclusive and sustainable agribusiness industry.