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Planning and International Cooperation Law


Law Number (10) for the year 2024


Planning and International Cooperation Law


Article 1-  This Law shall be called (the Planning and International Cooperation Law for the year 2024) and shall come into effect after thirty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 2-  The following words and phrases wherever mentioned in this Law shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them unless the context indicates otherwise:

The Ministry: The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.

The Minister: The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.

Foreign Assistance: The funding provided by the countries, the institutions, the international funds and other sources of external funding.

Article 3 -  The Ministry aims to contribute in achieving the economic, social and human development for the Jordanian society, through participating in the preparation of development visions, plans and executive programs in respect thereof, contribute to supporting the formulation of the economic and sectoral policies, developing the necessary plans to follow up on the implementation of the prioritized economic reforms in coordination with relevant entities, and developing the international cooperation relations between the Kingdom and the foreign Assistance sources.

Article 4 - To achieve its objectives, the Ministry shall assume the following:

A- Set a general framework for policy formulation and institutionalization in accordance with the international best practices and standards.

B - Support the ministries, departments, official and public institutions in setting and developing the policies in various sectors and building its capacities in this field.

C - Support the development of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the economic and sectoral policies.

Article 5- The Ministry is the liaison between all the ministries, departments, official and public institutions and the Foreign Assistance sources; through with communications with these entities is conducted and addressed. To that effect, it shall:

A - Negotiate with the Foreign Assistance sources to provide grants, concessional loans and technical support programs to fund the prioritized initiatives, projects and reforms that are included in the governmental plans; and prepare the necessary agreements and duly complete its approval procedures.

B - Prepare and develop the economic and development cooperation plans and programs with Foreign Assistance sources in cooperation with relevant entities.

C - Manage and develop the technical, scientific and cultural cooperation programs, including scholarships, in cooperation with relevant entities and in a manner that does not contradict with the applicable Laws and regulations.

D - Participate in determining the external borrowing criteria and priorities for the prioritized projects and programs with relevant entities.

E - Represent the Kingdom in regional, international bodies, organizations and institutions whose purposes are consistent with the mandate of the Ministry, and to manage the relations of the Kingdom therewith.

F- Follow up on the implementation of the commitments related to sustainable development.

G - Follow up on the implementation of the agreements, projects and programs funded by the Foreign Assistance sources.

H - Issue periodic reports regarding the Foreign Assistance extended to the Kingdom.

Article 6-      

A- The Ministry shall establish methodologies for preparing development visions and plans and executive programs in respect thereto, and shall contribute in preparing development visions and plans and executive programs in respect thereto in cooperation with the relevant ministries, departments, official and public institutions; and shall take the necessary measures for their approval.

B- The ministries, departments, official and public institutions shall be obliged to provide the information, data, and technical expertise that are necessary for the Ministry within the framework of preparing development visions, plans, and executive programs in respect thereto.

Article 7 -   

   A- The Ministry shall handle the funding provided to the associations, non-for-profit companies, cooperative associations and unions, as well as any other entity identified by the Council of Ministers through:

1- Aligning funding-related projects with the national priorities.

2- Facilitating the procedures for obtaining the necessary approvals to receive the funding in accordance with the legislation.

3- Following up on progress of work in respect of the funded projects, whether at the level of the projects, or at the overall level of funding, in coordination with the ministries, departments, official and public institutions.

B- The entities referred to in paragraph (A) of this Article shall not accept any funding, grants, aid, donations or gifts from a non-Jordanian source unless it is approved by the Council of Ministers.

Article 8 –    

  A - The Ministry is the governmental entity responsible for identifying and studying the new capital projects that will be included in the General Budget, whose costs exceed the amount determined by the Council of Ministers or those that require Foreign Assistance.

B- The projects eligible to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Article shall be registered in the National Registry of Government Investment Projects in cooperation with the ministries, departments, official and public institutions.

Article 9-    

 A- The development visions, plans and executive programs in respect thereto shall be the primary reference for the work of the Government and its various agencies.

B- When preparing the State General Budget, objectives of the development visions and plans and the executive programs in respect thereto shall be taken into consideration.

Article 10-   

 A – The ministries, departments, and official and public institutions shall not submit requests for obtaining funding in the form of grants, loans, or technical support from the Foreign Assistance sources except through the Ministry.

 B- Any financial, technical, or in-kind development assistance in any form from the Foreign Assistance sources shall not be accepted by any ministry, department, or official or public institution, unless approved by the Council of Ministers based on the recommendation of the Ministry.

Article 11-  Any development project funded by the Foreign Assistance sources shall not be implemented by any ministry, department, or official or public institution, unless approved by the Ministry and the concerned authority in respect thereto and after being approved by the Council of Ministers.

Article 12- The ministries, departments, official and public institutions shall prepare periodic follow-up reports that clarify the extent of progress achieved in its development projects and programs that are funded by the Foreign Assistance sources.

Article 13-  The Council of Ministers shall issue the necessary regulations to implement the provisions of this Law.

Article 14-     The Planning Law Number (68) for the year 1971 shall be repealed.

Article 15-     The Prime Minister and the Ministers shall be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Law.

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