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Planning and Monitoring

The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation is responsible for developing Executive Programs aligned with the Economic Modernization Vision and in the national strategies. This is achieved through a participatory and consultative approach involving relevant government ministries, institutions, and key stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society. The Ministry strives to ensure maximum efficiency in planning and implementing prioritized development programs and projects to enhance vital sectors contributing to the economic growth process, aiming for sustainable development and promoting social and economic inclusivity at the national level.

  Economic Modernisation Vision Executive  Program (2023 -2025)

International Cooperation

The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation serves as a crucial intermediary between government and private institutions and external sources of development financing. The ministry is dedicated to mobilizing developmental assistance in the form of grants, concessional loans, and technical support from donor countries, development organizations, financial institutions, and regional and international funds. The objective is to support the implementation of national priorities and developmental projects across various sectors within the framework of the Economic Modernization Vision and its executive Programs, and also in line with the political modernization and the roadmap for public sector reform. In addition to these efforts, the Ministry actively seeks support for the general budget, aiming to uphold financial and economic stability within the Kingdom. It is an ongoing commitment of the Ministry to cultivate and strengthen international cooperation relationships between the Kingdom and its developmental partners.

  Foreign Aid Reports  Scholarships & Courses

National Registry of Investment Projects

The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation is the entity responsible for implementing the provisions of the National Registry of Investment Projects By-law No. (8) for the year 2024, aimed at establishing a comprehensive database for government investment/capital projects and public-private partnership projects. This aims to adopt a unified governmental approach in selecting priority government investment/capital projects that align with national priorities and sectoral strategies, based on their readiness. Additionally, it aims to provide a mechanism for evaluating and overseeing targeted projects throughout the project cycle to enhance transparency and optimise the use of public resources.


 National Registry of Investment Projects Regulation No. (8) of 2024 - Arabic only                Introductory video for the National Registry of Investment Projects

Policy formulation and Economic Reforms

Within the framework of implementing the public sector development roadmap, the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation supports ministries and government institutions in developing, updating, following up, and evaluating public policies, in partnership with all stakeholders. This approach aims to support the decision-making process based on facts and evidence. Additionally, the Ministry diligently follows up on implementing economic reforms focusing on maintaining financial and monetary stability in the Kingdom, improving economic growth levels, and creating job opportunities within the framework of the economic modernization vision. It also incorporates these structural reforms into national and sectoral policies, strategies, and plans.

To explore in-depth details on the progress of each reform pillar under the reform matrix and for comprehensive insights, please visit the Reform Secretariat website by clicking here

Foreign funding

The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation acts as the government reference point for the coordination and oversight of foreign funding allocated to Associations, Non-Profit Companies, Cooperatives, and Cooperative Unions. An Inter-governmental Committee and the Foreign Funding Unit within the Ministry are tasked with evaluating foreign funding applications to improve alignment with national priorities. They also streamline approval processes within designated timelines and bolster monitoring and evaluation efforts to ensure a positive impact on the ultimate beneficiaries.

Procedures for obtaining approval for foreign funding                 

Summary Report on Foreign Funding  For the period January – October 2024


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